web hosting and domain | Domain and Website Hosting Services

Domain and Website Hosting Services | Web hosting and domain

web hosting and domain

Web hosting makes it REAL

Use DOMFREE at checkout for a free domain.

best web hosting provider for company

Choosing to host with Domain.com has its rewards. Select one of our flexible and reliable hosting plans, and we'll give you your domain free for the first year.


A solid and reasonable answer for get on the web.

Based on top of a solid stage and upheld by day in and day out master support, Domain.com's Common Facilitating is intended for all client types. In any case on the off chance that you are simply beginning your web-based presence or as of now deal with an armada of sites, Domain.com gives you the devices and controls you really want to construct, make due, and secure a strong site.

web hosting and domain | Frequently asked questions 

web hosting and domain | Frequently asked questions

Your domain is free when you host with us

Use DOMFREE at checkout for a free domain.

Choosing to host with Domain.com has its rewards. Select one of our flexible and reliable hosting plans, and we'll give you your domain free for the first year.


A solid and reasonable answer for get on the web.

Based on top of a solid stage and upheld by all day, every day master support, Domain.com's Common Facilitating is intended for all client types. In any case in the event that you are simply beginning your web-based presence or as of now deal with an armada of sites, Domain.com furnishes you with the devices and controls you really want to construct, make due, and secure a strong site. 

How It Works | web hosting and domaine.

Once signed up, you will be provided with links and banners for you to add to your website, or otherwise distribute throughout your network. Your sales are then tracked and you receive a payout of 30% for domains/privacy, $100 for WebsiteBuilder accounts, and up to $110 for web hosting accounts.

There is no limit to the amount you can earn by generating qualifying signups and sales. Join our affiliate program and start earning today.

In December 2009, the FTC released guidelines that require affiliates who use reviews, rankings or testimonials to promote products to clearly disclose the fact that they receive compensation for doing so. Domain.com requires all affiliates to comply with these guidelines. Failure to do so may result in removal from our affiliate program and the cancellation of commissions.

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